Commercial Window Tinting DFW

Aloha Tint Spot supplies and installs a wide range of commercial window films to help solve glazing issues such as glare from the sun, heat, privacy, safety & security, and glass manifestation requirements.

Control The Office Temperature

Architectural, commercial, and office window film can be installed to solve the glare from the sun, which can cause problems seeing computer screens or other office equipment. It will also help control the office temperature by dramatically reducing the heat buildup caused by the sun, as well as protecting you from the sun's harmful UV rays.

Safety And Security Window Films

Our Safety & Security window films can be installed to delay intruders, and in most cases prevent entry all together! These films have been installed to banks, jewelry, stores, and so much more with huge success!


Not only do our commercial films offer huge benefits across the board, but the clarity rating is designed to actually IMPROVE your view! See above how our window films can give you a more pleasant view!